Contact us

Head Office

Address: 6 Eleftherias Ave.
City: Alimos / Athens
Zip or Postal Code: 174 55
Country: GREECE
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +30 210 9859363
Fax: Who needs a fax?

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

09:30 h - 18:30 h LOCAL TIME in Athens

In other time zones the working hours of EASY SAILING main office in Greece are:
07:30 h – 16:30 h GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
08:30 h – 17:30 h CET (Central European Time)
02:30 h – 11:30 h EST (USA Eastern Standard Time)
23:30 h – 08:30 h PDT (USA Western Standard Time)

Leave us your message

We speak English and French and will be happy to give you all the information you need for your yachting vacations in Greece, Mediterranean, Caribbean or the Exotic destinations in Thailand and Pacific.

After office hours and ONLY FOR EMERGENCIES or really URGENT matters you may call the mobile number: +30 6951 940402.
For any issues or emergency during your charter, it is only the base manager and his 24/7 phone number to call.

IF YOU WANT TO CHECK AVAILABILITY of sailing charters in the Greek islands, Italy, France, Croatia, Spain, Turkey or the Seychelles, Tahiti, Caribbean and the BVI, 
YOU ARE JUST A CLICK AWAY… Use our online search tool or  Click Here

IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE A MESSAGE in reference to your sailing holidays in Greece, simply scroll up and complete the form. 

ALL CHARTERS and operational matters are HANDLED SOLELY by our Head Office in Athens.

We welcome your comments and suggestions about this website, same what you would like to share with us regarding any interesting experience you had. We ‘d love also to receive your photos taken during your sailing trip, photos that we could upload on our website.